For over 56 years Meals-on-Wheels Greater San Diego, Inc. has contributed to the overall well being of seniors by providing regular nutrition and daily contact with a caring volunteer. The impact that Meals-on-Wheels has on the seniors they serve goes far beyond the wholesome meals provided. Daily friendly contact also provides important socialization for those who may be isolated with little or no connection to the outside world. Lives are often saved in the course of delivering meals when a person does not respond to a knock on the door, has fallen or may have become ill. With an increase in the 65+ age category over the next 20 years by 72%, our seniors are in need of support now more than ever.
On Saturday, June 11, 2016, Meals-on-Wheels will be hosting their largest annual fundraising event of the year, The Ragin’ Cajun Bayou Blowout at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina. There, they will be holding a live and silent auction to help raise money to support San Diego’s seniors and beat their last fundraising record of $215,000. This event will also feature 10+ renowned chefs from San Diego competing for the “Chefy” Award in the 7th annual Chef Appetizer Competition. The Ragin Cajun Bayou Blowout is anticipating to have over 400 quests to help raise funds for San Diego seniors.
Sunbuggy Fun Rentals has gladly donated a riding experience to the live and silent auction in order to help raise money for their seniors.